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野島良太 Ryota Nojima


January 11 (Sat.) - February 15 (Sat.), 2024

Opening Reception: January 11, 18:00-19:00

Press release (JP / EN


installation view photo by Yuki Akaba

(English follows Japanese)

HAGIWARA PROJECTSでは、1月11日(土)より野島良太の個展「Sheltie」を開催いたします。






1987年東京都生まれ、2012年武蔵野美術大学 造形学部油絵学科油絵専攻 卒業。主な展覧会に、「Knuckleball」Gallery Chosun (2023、ソウル)、「JUNE ART FAIR」(2023、スイス)、「文化の日、保留の絵」HAGIWARA PROJECTS (2022、東京)、「Paris Internationale」(2022、フランス)、「飄」 OGUMAG+ (2022、東京)、「Shared kitchen」富士見台トンネル (2021、東京)、 「○○ life」SET project Space Lewisham (2021、ロンドン)、「Invisible Strings in Spring」 Devening Projects (2018、シカゴ)、「TWS-emerging-絵くんと絵さんが絵しても絵はできない」TWS渋谷(2015、東京)など。


HAGIWARA PROJECTS is pleased to present Ryota Nojima’s solo exhibition, “Sheltie,” starting Saturday, January 11. Nojima captures everyday occurrences and sensory experiences in his daily drawings. Fragments of memories and sensations born from this process take shape and find expression in his paintings.

In his creative process, Nojima avoids setting clear goals, instead embracing a flexible and intuitive approach akin to drawing. By engaging with his own memories and emotions and interacting with the canvas, he carefully selects lines, colors, and shapes. Even the traces of erasure contribute to the unique depth and richness of his works. Imagining this process adds another layer of enjoyment to experiencing Nojima’s paintings.

Rather than being bound by the question of “what is depicted,” Nojima’s works evoke a sense of liberation, unconfined by specific themes or messages. These paintings, which leave ample room for diverse interpretations, convey a sense of openness that brings viewers a refreshing impression and a sense of expansive possibilities.


Born in Tokyo in 1987, Ryota Nojima graduated in 2012 with a degree in oil painting from the Department of Painting at Musashino Art University. His major exhibitions include: Knuckleball, Gallery Chosun (2023, Seoul)(solo), JUNE ART FAIR (2023, Switzerland) (solo), Culture Day, Pending Paintings, HAGIWARA PROJECTS (2022, Tokyo) (solo), Paris Internationale (2022, France), 飄 (Hyo), OGUMAG+ (2022, Tokyo), Shared Kitchen, Fujimidai Tunnel (2021, Tokyo) (solo), ○○ life, SET Project Space Lewisham (2021, London), Invisible Strings in Spring, Devening Projects (2018, Chicago), TWS-emerging – E-kun and E-san Make Art, But It’s Not Art, TWS Shibuya (2015, Tokyo) (solo).


1-13-6-1F Tokiwa, Koto-ku, Tokyo  135-0006 Japan

135-0006 東京都江東区常盤1-13-6-1F

T/F +81 (0)3 6300 5881 

Wed - Sat 12-19 or by appointment

Copyright © HAGIWARA PROJECTS, All rights reserved.

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