past / 2015
Yuta Hayakawa / Daisuke Ishii / Motomasa Suzuki / Keizo Tawa "sculptures"
November 28 - December 26, 2015
past / 2015
Yuta Hayakawa / Daisuke Ishii / Motomasa Suzuki / Keizo Tawa "sculptures"
November 28 - December 26, 2015
past / 2015
Yuta Hayakawa / Daisuke Ishii / Motomasa Suzuki / Keizo Tawa "sculptures"
November 28 - December 26, 2015
Paris Internationale 2019
16 Rue Alfred de Vigny
75008 Paris
October 16 (wed) - 20 (sun), 2019
Preview: October 15, 2019
Paris Internationale 2019
16 Rue Alfred de Vigny
75008 Paris
October 16 (wed) - 20 (sun), 2019
Preview: October 15, 2019
Gallery Show
June 20 (Thu) - July 11 (sun), 2019
Gallery Show
June 20 (Thu) - July 11 (sun), 2019
Gallery Show
June 20 (Thu) - July 11 (sun), 2019
past / 2023
寺内 曜子 Yoko Terauchi
"One is Many Many is One" 「一即多多即一」
November 1 (wed) - December 2 (sat), 2023
水-土 12:00-19:00 (日月火 休廊)
Reception for the artist : November 4 (sat) 18:00-19:00
One is Many Many is One
When we count something as “ one “
This is the beginning of dividing the world
Which in fact One as a Whole But, can we see whole
of the universe? Can we count ONE?
Yoko Terauchi

"One is Many Many is One" 「一即多多即一」, 2023, Inatallation view
1979-1998の20年間ロンドン在住で作家活動。1998年帰国。「いかに私たちの世界の理解の仕方が、対立や分断を生んでいるか」との考えのもと、内/外、表/裏等の対立、区別関係が、実は言葉の上だけの存在であることを具体的に証明する彫刻や、私たちはそもそも世界の全体を見ることはできず、部分しか見えないことを経験する場としてのインスタレーションを制作・発表している。近年の個展に、「寺内曜子 パンゲア」 豊田市美術館(2021, 愛知)、「寺内曜子展 満ち潮 引き潮」ふじ・紙のアートミュージアム (2021, 静岡)、「スタンディング・ポイント1 寺内曜子」 慶應義塾大学アートセンター(2017, 東京)、「寺内曜子の赤と青」かんらん舎(2010, 東京)など。
Yoko Terauchi moved to London in the late 1970s to attend Saint Martin’s School of Art and returned to Japan 20 years later. She has exhibited widely at museums and galleries in Japan and abroad. Terauchi’s practice began during a period of doubt in her study of sculpture, giving rise to works that challenge tenets and values we conventionally set in opposition to each other, such as back and front, inside and outside, and good and evil. By choosing to neither add to nor subtract from a lead plate or sheet of paper—by respecting the form a material takes on its own—Terauchi demonstrates her belief that “there is no opposition in the world. Recent solo show include "Yoko Terauchi 'Pangaea'" Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021, Aichi), "Yoko Terauchi "Yoko Terauchi Ebg & Flow" Fuji Paper Art Museum (2021, Shizuoka, Japan)、"'Standing Point 1' Yoko Terauchi" Keio University Art Center (2017, Tokyo), etc.